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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Final BFL..

Well my twins are doing fine and I got out to prefish last week and the two days before the tournament and I found my fish out on ledges and shallow around grass in practice. The fish on ledges I caught on jigs, worms, and Carolina rig. The fish shallow I caught on frogs.

Day 1 I ran down about 15 miles past paris on Kentucky Lake and started shallow but with little success and small fish. So I went on down farther to a ledge where I thought there was a group of fish. I started out with the jig and caught fish immediately but they were small so I went up and down the ledge and by 1200pm I had 3 keepers and 12lbs 4oz, While my co angler had 1 that was 5lb 12oz after I gave him a jig... We then headed back north to get closer to the check in stopping on about 6 other ledges but no other keepers. So I ended up in 12th after the 1st day.

Day 2 I made the run again down south past paris and I told my day 2 partner Wilby we would stay on this ledge most of the day today. We fished here until about 100pm and by now I had 1 keeper and he had 4 so we thought he only needed 1 more keeper and he would have a shot to win. We headed across the lake to another ledge where we doubled up in practice and I caught my 2nd keeper and the Wilby caught his 5th keeper about 3lbs. So now we decided to head on back toward Moors Marina as we thought he had a good chance to win and we didn't want to take any chances. We stopped close to marina on a ledge but only caught small ones.

I ended up 14th and quailified for the regional. And Wilby won the Co-angler side!

I was using a 734 powell rod for jig , with 17lb triple fish flourocarbon.

I just want to thank GOD for blessing me with the fish that I caught.

God Bless!