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Monday, September 5, 2011

BFL Next weekend and motor is broke down....

     Well I went down to Kentucky Lake last  weekend to do some more prefishing for the BFL this weekend on Friday.  I put in at Paris and fished this area most of the day and about 130 I decided I was going to get close to the Paris area again and while running down the lake the motor cut out, so I slowed down some to 4000rpm and couldn't gain any power or speed and then the motor just shut down and lost all power.  I tried starting it but no luck it sounded like it was trying to lock up.  So it now sits at Jet a Marina in Calvert City to be fixed.    I have a boat of my buddies to use in case mine doesn't get fixed,  I'm in 12th in points and only about 65 to 70 points out of the angler of year points title.   Stay tuned for the rest of this week.

GOD Bless


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