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Saturday, March 12, 2011

BFL 3/5/2011

Well in practice we found 2 good schools of fish on the main river that were holding on 2 points. We also found some other points with fish, but did not have the schools.  All the fish were caught on jerkbaits and crankbaits, but the better ones were on the jerkbait.  So I got on my first spot and there was a boat there , so we went behind them and nothing but short fish, then to second stop and we caught some short fish and then I caught 2 keepers here.  We moved around the rest of the day and it was a struggle to stay out on main points with a 30mph wind so we had to abandon that and I went to a place where I have caught some just inside a bay and I caught 1 more keeper and that gave me 10lb 1 oz with 3 fish and 27th place so not a bad start to the year.  I was throwing the jerkbait on a Powell spinning rod with 10lb flourocarbon line.

GOD Bless


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